電影: Robert Eddison
- 1989
聖戰奇兵 (1989)
故事背景設於1938年印弟安那瓊斯與父親依據筆記上的記載,尋找傳說耶穌於最後晚餐所用的聖杯。由於傳說中的聖杯有治癒任何傷口的神奇功效,引起了德國納綷的覬覦,特別派出了美豔女間諜艾莎薛尼德博士,利用美色與苦肉計迫使瓊斯交出筆記。 瓊斯父子發現艾莎的企圖後,費盡心思將筆記奪回,前往聖殿取聖杯,不料納綷尾隨在後,並槍傷瓊斯的父親,一番苦戰之後才逃離納綷的糾纏。原以為無事的瓊斯急忙以聖杯舀水治癒父親,卻沒想到艾莎出現面前要搶奪聖杯……....
- 1986
Theban Plays: Antigone (1986)
Theban Plays: Antigone01986HD
- 1979
Henry IV Part 2 (1979)
Henry IV Part 281979HD
- 1973
The Adventures Of Don Quixote (1973)
The Adventures Of Don Quixote01973HD
- 1948
Vice Versa (1948)
Vice Versa6.31948HD
- 1968
Uncle Silas (1968)
Uncle Silas01968HD
- 1991
American Friends (1991)
American Friends6.21991HD
- 1972
The Boy Who Turned Yellow (1972)
The Boy Who Turned Yellow5.41972HD
- 1970
The Tragedy of King Richard II (1970)
The Tragedy of King Richard II01970HD
- 1986
Theban Plays: Oedipus the King (1986)
Theban Plays: Oedipus the King21986HD
- 1990
A TV Dante (1990)
A TV Dante6.41990HD
- 1970
Edward II (1970)
Edward II4.81970HD
- 1987
Scoop (1987)
- 1979
An Affinity with Dr. Still (1979)
An Affinity with Dr. Still01979HD
- 1964
Selkirk of Red River (1964)
Selkirk of Red River01964HD
- 1954
The Angel Who Pawned Her Harp (1954)
The Angel Who Pawned Her Harp71954HD
- 1938
Sixty Glorious Years (1938)
Sixty Glorious Years61938HD
- 1975
Knots (1975)
- 1966
I Was Happy Here (1966)
I Was Happy Here6.11966HD